
Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Ah, Advocacy....

On April 12, the night of my reading with David Lowery, I came home thrilled at how people had resonated with the UnReformed excerpt.
And then...
That same night, I found out that my school library media assistant’s position hadbeen cut from next year’s Clarke County School Budget.  Other cuts of positions who directly work with children were made.
Instead of writing UnReformed, most of the past five weeks have been spent advocating on behalf of what’s best for the children of Clarke County.  It’s the school district where my son and his friends attend. 
It’s been exhausting, yet rewarding.  In this era, it’s important for all of us to become activists about a myriad of issues.
Of course, you are hearing this from a former reform school girl.
One aspect that is mind-boggling is realizing that in some places, school libraries are not just being underfunded, but cut. 
As a writer, a reader, and a school library media specialist, I know this is short-sighted.   
School let out Friday.  Tomorrow night is the last input session on the budget.  I'm gradually reabsorbing myself into editing and finishing my book. Over the past five days, much progress has been made. 
My summer goal-- to complete UnReformed before I go back to work in August. Also, to begin looking for an agent/ publisher.   Now’s the time---in September, director Kate Logan plans for Kidnapped forChrist’s rough cut to be complete (In December, I was interviewed). More updates on Kidnapped for Christ and the status of Escuela Caribe will be posted soon.
Stars are aligning.  Wish me luck!

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